Root canal failure happens when a tooth becomes infected at the root. There are several ways to treat a root canal failure. Tooth extraction is normally carried out, as it removes the infected tooth and keeps the jawbone from getting infected by the bad tooth. Without proper treatment, the infection can become quite severe and may cause illness in other parts of the body. There is also the risk of the bone density decreasing, making it difficult for a dental implant to be placed in the mouth. If the jawbone starts to deteriorate, it can lead to speech problems, impact your appearance and cause your teeth to shift.
What Causes a Root Canal to Fail?
Root canals can last for many years, but the initial affected tooth is still vulnerable to decay. If even a small number of bacteria is missed and sticks to the tooth, it will multiply and eat away at the tooth, causing the root canal to fail.
Other reasons include:
Undetected canal branches: If a patient’s tooth has more canals within it than normal, for example molars that have as many as four canals, some of them usually hidden behind others. An infection can easily develop, possibly forming a painful abscess if one of these canals is missed and not treated.
Obstruction: An obstruction for example another tooth, etc. can make it quite difficult for the dentist to thoroughly clean the canal affected.
Cracks in the root: If the root of the affected tooth develops a fracture or crack deep beneath the gum, it becomes incredibly difficult to fully seal the canal. This then increases the probability of an infection, which causes increased sensitivity, pain and retreatment.
Treatment Options for Failed Root Canals
For patients with a failing root canal, there are several options available such as:
Dental Implants, retreatment, apicoectomy (surgery at the top of the tooth), and extraction of the affected tooth.
However, dental implants are the most effective option available.
Dental implants are a smart choice for adults of all ages as they help restore teeth removed due to injury, infection or decay. They also protect facial bone and prevent health issues such as jawbone deterioration and help stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss.
They are the only tooth replacement option that will maintain the jawbone structure, allowing you to maintain the natural shape of your face. This is important because when you lose your teeth, almost immediately, the jaw bones begin to deteriorate. This loss can alter the contours of your face, causing it to sag and appear wrinkled.
They provide a permanent solution to tooth loss, as they become part of your jawbone and don’t need to be replaced or remade over time. If properly cared-for, dental implants can last a lifetime.
For those missing a tooth, a major concern is the bone loss that usually follows the loss of a tooth. With dental implants, you can preserve your bone structure, improve function and enhance your general well-being.
Depending on the nature and the severity of the root canal failure, your dentist will consider all options available in order to properly arrive at a decision regarding treatment and further surgery.
If you choose to have dental implants in UAE, it’s important to visit the best dental clinic for implants in Dubai and be informed on single dental implant cost in Dubai before making any decisions.
Dr Thomas Dental Implant clinic offers low cost dental implant solutions for failing root canal in Dubai. Visit us today or call to book an appointment.