Testimonial from Ellen Rugen
At the age of 67 I was dismayed to lose my first back tooth and over the next year several others followed in conjunction with permanently bleeding gums. I was delighted therefore when a friend who had been to Dr Thomas with a similar problem, invited me to accompany her on her second trip to India to have crowns put on her implants inserted the previous year. I came to the end of my treatment six months ago– one Autumn visit in 2012 for the implants and another after 12 months for the crowns. I found Dr Thomas not only a skilful practitioner (12 implants, a number of extractions and bone grafts over two sessions of 1.5 hours and 1 hour respectively): the pain control was very good: and I appreciated his readiness to give time to my many questions. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the whole body it seems. So far I have had no subsequent problems and the ability to eat what I want is a revelation after two years of limitations. I am happy to discuss my experience and the practicalities of accommodation, travel etc .
Testimonial from Keith Ross
I accompanied Ellen Rugen, and had a single implant on the first visit. But a year later on our second trip three lower left molars were giving me trouble, so Dr Thomas was able to extract them, painlessly, make three implants, and two weeks later in the same trip have them fitted with crowns. It is not normally advised to have the crowns so soon after the implants, but everything went very well with no trouble or problems since and it saved an additional trip to Kerala. It was really helpful to have had a friend show us where to go for our first trip, and, as Ellen says, we would be very happy to talk through practicalities with anyone wanting to have a holiday in Kerala and excellent dental treatment all for much less than the cost of just the implants here in Europe.
By Ellen Rugen and Keith Ross (United Kingdom / France)
(Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland) FICOI, (Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists).
Specialist Dental Implant Surgeon.
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