Rad bi se vam zahvalil za popravilo starih majavih zobnih vsadkov, katere so mi vsadili na neki drugi dentalni kliniki.
Zlasti me je navdušilo vaše prizadevanje pri iskanju ustreznega oradja za odstranjevanje starih vsadkov, kar zagotovo ni bilo enostavno in ste za to potrebovali tudi veliko časa.
Po odstranitvi starih vsadkov, ste uspešno vstavili 4 nove vsadke za 4 nove ločene zobe.
Zelo sem zadovoljen z vašim strokovnim znanjem in profesionalnim odnosom do dela in predvsem s tem, da posvečate tako veliko pozornosti pacientu.
Želim vam veliko poklicnega uspeha.
Lep pozdrav,
I would like to thank you for the repair of old, weak implants, which I have been inserted in another dental clinic (jlt dental clinic).
In particular, I was impressed by your effort to find the right tool for removing old implants, which was certainly not an easy job and also needed a lot of time to found the tools.
After removing old implants, you successfully inserted 4 new implants for 4 new separate teeth.
I am very pleased with your professional knowledge and professional attitude towards work and above all you really devote full attention to the patient.
I wish you a lot of professional success.
Darko Malorvh
(Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland) FICOI, (Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists).
Specialist Dental Implant Surgeon.
Send an email or discuss your dental problem with Dr.Biju Thomas