Due to a severe dental phobia caused through bad treatment while I young, I had not visited a dentist for over 30 years. My teeth were missing or broken and the ones that were left were yellowing and decayed. I had suffered for years with toothache and abscesses but even that pain was preferable than visiting a dentist.
The condition of my teeth seriously impacted on my everyday life! I never smiled, never had my photo taken and when I talked I was conscious that I could not show my teeth. Not only did this destroy my self confidence but also my social life and my work suffered as a result also.
I found Dr Biju’s website and was pleased that he had a surgery in Dubai as I was living in Oman. I emailed him an enquiry about possibility of implants and the same day I received a reply requesting that I had an OPG x-ray carried out and emailed to him. From this he would be able to advise on the best treatment.
After doing this I received yet another prompt reply stating that the best treatment would be a full mouth of implants, and invited me for a visit to Dubai for a further investigation. I was ecstatic and the excitement of suddenly being ‘normal’ again spurred me on to put all my fears behind me drive to Dubai!
Dr. Biju was excellent. He examined the state of my mouth and fully explained the treatment to be carried out, even drawing pictures of what he was going to do and how everything would work. Even the dentures I would have to wear for 6 months while the implants took weren’t the old-fashioned ones that I was dreading, they were going to be fixed in place with transitional implants so would not fall out every time I spoke or laughed! The price was less than half of what UK companies were charging and Dr. Biju also offered a very attractive interest-free payment plan which fitted into my budget and meant that I could start the treatment immediately.
The first part of the treatment (extracting my teeth and fitting the implants) I chose to have done in Dubai as I lived nearby I knew the area well and also had friends there for support if needed! The first 2 days the remaining teeth were extracted and I had 16 conventional implants and 4 transitional implants. But Dr. Biju was excellent. Every time he saw the pain was too much he gave me another injection and asked if I wanted him to stop. I got through it and if I can then anyone can! By the time I left Dubai 7 days later all the implants were fitted and I was the proud owner of perfectly fitting dentures which looked amazing! I was so pleased I had overcome the fear, gone through the pain and now could eat and talk normally and even laugh!
It’s funny how the pain can be so intense at the time but very quickly forgotten when you have something to show for it! A bit like having a baby.
6 months later I travelled to India to have the final work completed. I was quite dubious as I had never been to India and was making the trip alone. Dr. Biju had said it was preferable to have the final work carried out there as he had his own technician to make the ceramic teeth. Bearing in mind that these were going to be permanent and for life I decided that the uncertainties of India were outweighed by wanting perfect teeth!
Once again Dr. Biju was amazing. The work was simple and totally pain free. Kerala was fabulous and I enjoyed every second of being there and exploring such a beautiful country. And to make everything worthwhile my new ceramic teeth are perfect. I can laugh and talk without feeling self conscious. I can eat things again that I could only dream of last year and I know that I will never have to suffer bad teeth or traumatic dental work or further expense for the rest of my life.
Meeting Dr. Biju and having the implants is quite simply one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life and I wish I had it done years ago! If you are looking to have similar work carried out and would like to ask speak to someone who has had the work done and about my experience please feel free to contact me.
Hopefully like me you will never look back.
By Angela Morris (United Kingdom / Oman)
(Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland) FICOI, (Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists).
Specialist Dental Implant Surgeon.
Send an email or discuss your dental problem with Dr.Biju Thomas